Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Today's Ask Jack Canfield Tele-Clinic - 4/7/10
Meanwhile the call starts in 45 minutes (1pm EST/10am PST). Here are the details to attend free call:
712-338-8111 use passcode #34013
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Do You Have a Question for Jack Canfield?
Live calls are free, so I strongly urge you to register now and plan to attend. If you are not able to attend the live call, go through the steps of registering and at the end you will be able to purchase an mp3 recording of the call in advance for $10. If you wait until after the live call, the recording will be $15.
I already registered, and again this month I asked:
Do you have a phrase you keep handy for self-talk when confronted with a crisis?
Jack Canfield may be the most famous success coach alive today. He is the coauthor of the popular Chicken Soup for the Soul series and he has written many other books that have changed the lives of millions. My personal favorite, as all can see, is The Success Principles.
I hope you will be able to join us on April 7th. Even if he does not answer your question, I know Jack will offer advice you can use to start living the life of your dreams.
Compensation disclaimer: Please be advised I may receive compensation when you follow live links from this webpage.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Ask Jack Canfield Tele-Clinic 3/3/10
The Ask Jack Canfield Tele-Clinic phone calls are free for live attendees. If you cannot attend the live call, or if you attended but would like a recording, an mp3 of the call is available for $15 here. You will have to register for the next phone call, but then you will be taken to a page where you can order recordings of past calls.
On this call Jack answered questions like:
What is the easiest way to forgive and forget the past?
I came away with great information about staying on track with my goals and remembering that the principles never change. As long as I follow The Success Principles I will continue to manifest abundance in my life.
Jack left us with a homework assignment to appreciate five people a day.
You can get your copy of the Ask Jack Canfield Tele-Clinic here. Remember to register for the next call on April 7, 2010.
Peace and Abundance for all!
Compensation disclaimer: Please be advised I may receive compensation when you follow live links from this webpage.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
My Question for Jack - When You Face a Crisis...
When you sign up to attend the call you get an opportunity to ask Jack a question. You do not have to ask a question, and in fact, I did not have one prepared when I signed up for last month's call, but this month I was prepared and asked Jack:
Do you have a phrase you keep handy for self-talk when confronted with a crisis?
We will see if he answers next Wednesday, 1:00 pm EST/10:00 am. Meanwhile, I thought I should ask my readers if you have a go to phrase you use. Do you have a phrase or affirmation that you reach for when you are faced with a disaster? What words spring to your lips when...
- The phone rings in the middle of the night?
- You see blue lights in your rearview mirror?
- Your doctor needs to discuss your test results?
One of the best tools in my positive thinking toolkit is the phrase I keep on hand to stay balanced and focused on my next step activity.
That phrase for me?
Even when I do not believe it or cannot possibly imagine how the "bad" news will turn good for me, even when I cannot live with the guilt of that thought at that moment, I say only good will come of this over and over in my mind until I believe it.
When I got laid off last year, I had to get off the phone with my boss, technically former boss, very quickly because while he was apologizing and explaining how badly he felt about the situation, I knew I needed to immediately switch to Only good will come of this. This is great news. This is my opportunity. Of course, it is.
The words we speak in our minds and with our lips define our futures. I encourage you to find a good, all-purpose affirmation you can reach for in a crisis and practice using it on the little things. Whenever you find yourself responding to a situation with an expletive ($&*%!), try your affirmation. I find everything turns out better than I could have expected when I do this.
Practice your affirmation on the little things and you will find it readily available during larger, more life changing events.
Remember, if you have a chance to attend the Ask Jack Canfield Tele-Clinic the live call is free. Otherwise, it is well worth the $10 to purchase the mp3 recording. If you have a question you want to ask Jack, you should have it ready and then click here to sign up today for the phone call.
Compensation disclaimer: Please be advised I may receive compensation when you follow live links from this webpage.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
What Would You Ask Jack Canfield?
The Ask Jack Canfield Tele-Clinics not only let you listen in as Jack answers questions about creating joy and success in your life, but also let you interact with Jack and others to take real action. You will not want to miss this opportunity to hear Jack explain the Success Principles live.
You can read my post about the last Ask Jack Canfield Tele-Clinic (2/3/10) here. While we were on that call, Jack encouraged those of us without accountability partners to comment on his Facebook fan page. I was one of 200+ fans who commented and connected.
My new accountability partner and I spoke today and will be sharing our daily goals in e-mails. We had thought to start with weekly accountability, but are finding we need something more immediate to get started.
Thanks to Jack and the last call, I am well on my way to making more progress toward my goals.
Register for the Ask Jack Canfield Tele-Clinic today so you will receive your e-mail reminder ahead of time. Remember, the live call is free. If you miss the live call, you can purchase an mp3 of the phone call for $10, but the best deal is to sign up now so you will not miss the live event.
Compensation disclaimer: Please be advised I may receive compensation when you follow live links from this webpage.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Dream Big Vision Book
Jack Canfield has four decades of experience teaching people to succeed by believing in themselves and their dreams. In the Dream Big Collection, Jack has assembled a complete toolkit you can use to apply the principles described in The Secret and The Success Principles.
Take charge of your future.
Start applying the law of attraction.
Live the life of your dreams.
The centerpiece of the Dream Big Collection is the Dream Big Vision Book where you will get everything you need including power words and affirmations to assemble visions of your own private goals - and you may find your finished Vision Book is one you are proud to share.
Click here or paste this link in your browser to learn more about the Dream Big Collection.
Compensation disclaimer: Please be advised I may receive compensation when you follow live links from this webpage.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
The Success Principles Workshop in Dallas, TX
This is your chance, Texas, to see Jack Canfield in person this year. He will sign your copy of The Success Principles and he will let you take photos with him. I bet you could haul in your collection of Chicken Soup books and get Jack to sign those as well.
You will have a great time. You will meet the most motivated and empowering people on the planet. Plan to hang around in the evening after the workshop and network with everyone. Successful, enthusiastic people will help you see through, around, and over your hurdles to the better life you are creating.
As I said, I went to The Success Principles Workshop in New Jersey last year, and I came back richer for the experience. Richer in friendships, richer in inspiration, and richer in energy. I went on to walk in the Breast Cancer 3 Day and accomplish several other goals last summer that had seemed like pipe dreams in the spring.
When was the last time you came back from vacation feeling vigorous and ready to take on the world? A day with Jack could be just what you need to propel to you to victory. And by the way, this link also includes info about Jack's visits to San Francisco, Seattle and Boston this year. Make your plans and don't miss the opportunity to thrive this year.
Compensation disclaimer: Please be advised I may receive compensation when you follow live links from this webpage.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Ask Jack Canfield Tele-Clinic - 2/3/10
First, if you would like to sign up for next month's free conference call, click on the highlighted words above or paste the following link in your browser:
Alex Mandossian hosted today's conference call and presented several of the questions that were submitted in advance to Jack Canfield, questions that are on a lot of minds these days, like:
obstacles show up?
in this economy?
The most important takeaway for today was that you can, and probably should, pair up with an accountability partner to help stay focused on your goals. In fact, Alex led Facebook users to log into Facebook and comment on Jack's fan page about our accountability partnerships. Next thing you know, several of us were connecting and forming partnerships. (I will let you know how that works out for me.)
If you have a chance to attend the free monthly Ask Jack Canfield Tele-Clinic, I strongly recommend it. Do not wait three years to then wonder how much faster you might have progressed. If you cannot attend, sign up like you plan to attend and you should be taken to a link that explains how you can purchase an mp3 recording of the call.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
A Simple Recipe for Effectiveness
What if I told you I have a simple recipe for increasing effectiveness in all areas of your life? A simple recipe like lather, rinse, repeat.
What if I told you everyone is doing it? Would you be inclined to try it yourself? Seriously, everyone is doing it: McDonald's, Burger King, Taco Bell, JC Penney, Kohls. And not just food service and retail establishments - truck drivers have been doing it for years, though probably not willingly.
What are they all doing? They're asking for feedback. Remember “How's my driving...1-800-xxx-xxxx?”
Now, it's popping up everywhere. Why? Because asking for feedback is the quickest way to find out where you are falling short and where you can improve for the most recognition.
Just asking someone how you are doing often leads to an improved relationship immediately because the person asked feels validated.
How do you do it? Jack Canfield advises you ask everyone in your life, on a scale of 1-10 how am I as parent? Spouse? Employee? And if they don't say 10, ask them what it would take to make it a 10.
I like the scale of 1-10 because it forces the person you ask to actually think about an answer which will lead to useful information. And it pushes you beyond good enough and into greatness. When you figure out how to exceed in your roles by fully understanding the needs and desires of the other people in your relationships you will achieve greatness.
So the first word in our recipe is ASK. And then the next word is ADJUST. Because you asked and you got some goodwill and some good information. But then you have to do something with it. If you are always asking and never changing that's going to turn sour. So what are you going to do with it?
Well, sometimes I hope, you are going to adjust so that you are better meeting the needs and expectations of others in your relationships. If your boss tells you your e-mails are too long, you work at condensing your thoughts. If your partner says you don't call when you're going to be late, you start making those calls. If your kid wishes you would toss a ball, you make some time each week. You adjust.
Now, sometimes of course, the information about what people want is not consistent with what you are willing to provide. I'm sure we've all had jobs in our lives where the boss wanted more than we were willing to deliver whether it's hours worked or weekends. Maybe your kids think you are a number 6 but you could be a number 10 if you didn't hold them accountable for doing their homework.
In those instances your adjustment may be to better communicate your value to your boss and your purpose to your children. But before you jump hastily to the assumption that you are right and the other person is wrong, take an extra moment to consider it from the other person's perspective. This feedback loop works only to the degree you are willing to adjust.
So you ASK, you ADJUST, and now the best part of the loop is REPEAT. Why? Because you asked, you adjusted, and now you are going to ask again. And this time you will hopefully get some acknowledgment of change. Most likely, you are going to get even more goodwill because now this person will trust that communicating to you can make a difference.
Too many times in our lives we feel like we are spinning our wheels and we are not making progress or we are not being recognized and it turns out it is because we were not aware that the things we were doing were not what the other wanted or needed at the time.
Ask, Adjust, Repeat. It takes all the guesswork out of your relationships and gives you the information you need to succeed.
Ask, Adjust, Repeat. A simple recipe for effectiveness.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Canfield E-Coach: Jack Canfield's Mini Coaching Course
Enroll today if this sounds like you:
- You know you are not living up to your potential.
- You would work hard if you knew you were working smart.
- You want the life of abundance and prosperity you see others living.
Canfield E-Coach is a short series of e-mails that will reinforce the principles taught in The Success Principles. This e-mail series will help you apply the law of attraction and make lasting behavioral change. You will:
- Clarify your vision
- Take action
- Dream big
Jack can show you how to start living the life of your dreams.
It's your life, isn't it time you got it your way?
Click here for Canfield E-Coach
Click here for The Success Principles
Compensation disclaimer: Please be advised I may receive compensation when you follow live links from this webpage.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Will a Success Journal Keep You on Track?
Do you feel like you are spinning your wheels some days? You are talking the positive talk and you are trying to believe, but then you wake up and it just feels like you are not making progress. You are still the person you always were in the life you have always lived.
Yes, you are who you have always been, but you are an improved version. And I can prove it to you if you will keep a simple success journal. Everybody gets the blues occasionally because it takes time for some things to manifest. When that happens, a success journal can remind you of all you have manifested so far and help you stay focused on what you can do today.
I like to keep a simple success journal – just three to five entries a month. I don't even write in sentences, often my entries are in the form of lists of my goals, gratitudes, and successes. Whatever is on my mind, I make an appropriate list.
Goals – I list forward thinking achievements, anything that is on my mind for the future: I want to (do something). I put my goals in the form of an action to remind myself that I am not a passive participant but an active player in the drama that is my life. This exercise allows me to record my worries without stating negative thoughts.
Gratitudes - I list all the things I am grateful to have received that I acknowledge are outside my control. Health, life, birthday presents. Gratitude lists are the most important lists I make because they me get out of my own head to a place where I can see how lucky I am.
Successes - I list all my accomplishments. These lists are necessary to fully process a feeling of gratitude. When I feel I am giving myself my props, I feel even more able to acknowledge the blessings in my life. Often I make lists for different time periods: successes in the past year, month, week.
A journal like this will provide you with entries that you can review when you feel blue and see that when you set goals you meet them. Maybe not all of them, all the time, but you will have successes. You will see that a lot of truly blessed things do happen to you. And that overall you achieve a great deal.
You are in control in of your destiny. You can create your happy ending. If you are feeling stuck, check out The Success Principles for proven tips and strategies.
Compensation disclaimer: Please be advised I may receive compensation when you follow live links from this webpage.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
The Success Principles 1-Day Workshop 2010 Tour
Jack Canfield is coming to Boston this year!
I had to drive all the way to New Jersey last year just to see Jack.
On a bald tire.
In the rain.
But it was worth it.
If you want to feel a room surge with power, you need to get to one of the workshops this year. Click here to see the schedule and make your date.
Do you know who Jack Canfield is?
He's one of the Chicken Soup guys. He and Mark Victor Hansen have published millions of copies under the imprint of Chicken Soup for the Soul. And he was also one of the teachers featured in the movie "The Secret" and the book by the same name.
Jack knows a great deal about success because he has studied the subject for decades. Through his workshops and coaching programs he has taught thousands to identify their goals and take actionable steps to achieve them.
A Room Full of Joy and Abundance
Last year's Success Principles Workshop provided me several opportunities to network with motivated individuals. Never before have I sat in a room with so many positive, vibrant people at one time. What a place to go and get your dreams acknowledged and affirmed. And what an experience to have so many creative minds brainstorming together.
If you're feeling stuck and you want to get motivated, check out The Success Principles 1-Day Workshop Tour 2010.
See you in Boston May 1st!
Compensation disclaimer: Please be advised I may receive compensation when you follow live links from this webpage.